Supporting Startups and New Businesses through Government e-Marketplace

Government e-marketplace
2 min readAug 3, 2023

A major part of any country’s economy comes from its small manufacturing hubs and domestic industries. Today their role is being taken up by startups and new digitized businesses.

But while conducting businesses they are usually overshadowed by large industries and strong businesses because of their power and networks. Due to this, they get fewer opportunities to perform, expand and earn profits.

But with the inception of Government E Marketplace in 2016 which was launched under the Digital India initiative, these startups and new businesses have seen a transformed procurement and trading sector.

Now they have a platform to showcase their skills, services, and products. Through GeM, all businesses and startups be they small, medium, or large are on the same platform, and due to this reason GeM encourages a healthy and competitive atmosphere where these startups and businesses are forced to keep up with the quality and services to compete.

It allows sellers from different backgrounds including start-ups and small businesses, to participate and trade in the procurement process. They can have access to a dynamic range of government buyers and agencies without any complex registration or paperwork.

This platform also provides certain benefits, incentives, and reservations to MSMEs which helps them to compete with larger companies and secure orders to maximize their reach and profit.

The platform follows strict rules and regulations imposed by the government and promotes transparency and fairness throughout the procurement process and eliminates corruption and unfair practices.

The platform also works in raising awareness and educating these businesses and startups through their capacity-building programs, webinars, and workshops which helps these businesses to understand the working of GeM.

GeM supports the Make India Campaign aimed towards promoting Indian products and services and reducing dependency on foreign products and through this campaign, the platform is also supporting and empowering various small businesses and local manufacturing hubs.

Through the feedback mechanism of GeM, these startups and businesses can get valuable insights and reviews about their products and services through which they can further improve their work and be the best in the business.

GeM provides complete security and trust and is a government-empowered platform. Their payment gateway is completely safe and secure and makes sure that the transactions are secure, smooth, and seamless.

Traditionally small businesses and startups were not able to work with government agencies but now they can have access to their orders and supply their product through the GeM platform.

The platform also promoted local and innovative products which are cheaper than many branded products and supports local and regional businesses.

But every business irrespective of its size and base should ensure that their product is of the best quality and give value for money.

By supporting startups and new businesses, GeM is ultimately supporting the development of the nation and strengthening the economy of the country.

